Zheng-Hong Lu | BSc (China), PhD (École Polytechnique), FAAAS, FCAE
Professor, Organic Optoelectronics (Tier I)
Director, Toronto Microanalysis Centre (TMC)
Office: WB 141
T: 416.978.1472
E: zhenghong.lu@utoronto.ca
Research Group: Organic Optoelectronics Research Group
Research Areas
Development of next-generation organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) and solar cells.
Research Clusters
Dr. Zheng-Hong Lu is a full professor and a Tier I Canada Research Chair in Organic Optoelectronics at the University of Toronto. He received a PhD degree in engineering physics in 1990 from Ecole Polytechnique of the University of Montreal, Canada. Prior to his current appointment, he was employed by the National Research Council (NRC) as an assistant and then an associate research officer. While at NRC he developed a number of materials and processes for microelectronics and optoelectronics, in particular, light-emitting silicon superlattices, dielectrics for silicon transistors, and surface passivation for solid-state lasers. In 1998, he moved to the University of Toronto to create an Organic Optoelectronics Research Group. His group’s research includes OLED materials and device engineering for flat-panel display and solid-state lighting applications.
Professional Memberships
- Materials Research Society (MRS)
- Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
- Society for Information Display (SID)
- Professor Zheng-Hong Lu and Professor Harry Ruda recognized by the Canadian Academy of Engineering
- Professor Zheng-Hong Lu and Professor Glenn Hibbard (MSE) are two of seven Engineering faculty named Canada Research Chairs
- MSE professor elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
- Undergraduate students make noteworthy contributions to solar energy materials research
- A light bulb moment
- Alumni build the world's first consumer-ready OLED lamp
- Next-generation super-capacitors, energy-efficient lighting, and lightweight materials research receives federal government support
- Alumnus recognized for significant scientific research accomplishments under the age of 30
- Graduate research in OLED energy transfer wins U of T conference competition
- Recent PhD graduate named U of T's top scholar
- Lighting up the cover
- White OLED commercialization project receives prestigious internal funding
- How to build a better TV
- Flexible mobile displays: an interview with PhoneArena.com
- MSE researchers solve decades-old energy puzzle
- MSE researchers create world's most-efficient flexible OLED
- Advanced materials researchers brighten future of OLED technology...with one-atom of chlorine
- MSE awarded new Canada Research Chair
Link to Google Scholar
Select Publications:
Peicheng Li and Zheng‐Hong Lu, “Heterojunction Energetics and Open‐Circuit Voltages of Organic Photovoltaic Cells” in “Emerging Photovoltaic Materials: Silicon & Beyond”, edited by S. K. Kurinec, (Wiley Scrivener, 2018).
M. Greiner and Z.H. Lu, “Charge Injection Layer” in “Fundamentals of High-Efficiency OLEDs: Basic Science to Manufacturing of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”, edited by Evgueni Polikarpov and Dan Gaspar, (CRC Press, Inc., 2015)
Y.L. Chang and Z.H. Lu, “Organic Light Emitting Diodes”, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, edited by J. Webster, p1-15 (Wiley 2014).
Z.B. Wang, M.G. Helander, and Z.H. Lu, “Transparent Conducting Thin Films for OLEDs” in “Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs): Materials, Devices and Applications”, edited by Alastair Buckley, (Woodhead, 2013), p. 49-76.
M.G. Helander, Z.B. Wang, and Z.H. Lu, “Electrode/Organic Interface Physics”, in “Encyclopedia of Nanotechnology”, (Springer, 2012), p. 702-710.
Co-editor with H. Hasegawa, M. Hong, and S.J. Pearton, “Compound Semiconductor Surface Passivation and Novel Device Processing”, (MRS, Warrendale, Pennsylvania, 1999), MRS Symposium Proceedings Vol. 573.
Z.H. Lu, in Fundamental Aspects of Ultrathin Dielectrics on Si-based Devices, NATO ASI Series, edited by E. Garfunkel, E. Gusev, and A. Vul, (Kluwer, Boston, 1998), p49.
Z.H. Lu, D.J. Lockwood, J.M. Baribeau, in Photoluminescence of Inorganic Solids, M.J. Weber Ed. (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 1998), p.614 [A reprint collection of milestone papers in this field from 1947 to 1997].
Selected Patents
Michael Helander, Zhibin Wang, Jacky Qiu, Zhenghong Lu, “Organic electroluminescent device with multiple phosphorescent emitters”, US Patent 9935285, (Apr 3, 2018).
M Helander, J Qiu, Z Wang, ZH Lu, “Functionalization of a substrate”, US Patent 9,698,386, (Jul 4, 2017)
Michael Helander, Zhibin Wang, Jacky Qiu, Zhenghong Lu, “Organic electroluminescent device with multiple phosphorescent emitters”, US Patent 9,484,544 (Nov 1, 2016).
Dayan Ban, Zhenghong Lu, and Jun Chen, “Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Optical Amplifier with Wavelength Conversion”, US Patent No. 9082992 B2 (Jul. 14, 2015).
MSE462/MSE1062: Materials Physics II
- Fellow, Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE), 2018
- Canada Research Chair in Organic Optoelectronics, Tier I (2011-2017)
- Fellow, American Academy for the Advancement of Science (FAAAS), 2016
- University of Toronto Connaught Innovation Award, 2013
- Premier's Research Excellence Award (Ontario), 2000
- Nortel Institute Associate Award (1999)
- McAllister Trustees Research Award (1998)