Benjamin D. Hatton | BScE (Queen’s), MScE (McMaster), PhD (Toronto)
Associate Professor & Associate Chair, Graduate Studies
Office: MB 231
T: 416.978.5749
E: benjamin.hatton@utoronto.ca
Research Group: Functional and Adaptive Surfaces
Research Areas
- Bio-inspired materials
- Surface engineering
- Antimicrobial surfaces
- Smart and adaptive surfaces
- Structural self-assembly
Research Clusters
Link to Google Scholar
Select Publications
- Kay, R.; Mattacchione, A.; Katrycz, C.; Hatton, B. D. Stepwise slime mould growth as a template for urban design. Scientific Reports 2022, 12 (1), 1.
- Kay , R.; Katrycz, C.; Nitièma, K.; Jakubiec, J. A.; Hatton, B. D. Decapod-inspired pigment modulation for active building facades. Nature Communications 2022, 13 (1), 1.
- Lavielle, N.; Asker, D.; Hatton, B. D. Lubrication dynamics of swollen silicones to limit long term fouling and microbial biofilms. Soft Matter 2021, 17, 936.
- Hassan, A.; Kim, Y.; Ryu, S.; Hatton, B.; Filleter, T. Divisions in a Fibrillar Adhesive Increase the Adhesive Strength. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13 (49), 59478.
- Stewart, C.; Finer, Y.; Hatton, B. D. Drug self-assembly for synthesis of highly-loaded antimicrobial drug-silica particles. Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 895.
- Awad, T.; Asker, D.; Hatton, B. D. Modification of stainless steel food processing surfaces to reduce bacterial biofilm growth. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2018, 10 (27), 22902.
- Asker, D.; Awad, T.; Baker, P.; Howell, L.; Hatton, B. D. Non-eluting, surface-bound enzymes disrupt bacterial surface attachment through continuous polysaccharide degradation. Biomaterials 2018, 167, 168.
- Leslie, D. C.; Waterhouse, A.; Berthet, J. B.; Valentin, T. M.; Watters, A. L.; Jain, A.; Kim, P.; Hatton, B. D.; Nedder, A.; Mullen, K.et al. A bioinspired omniphobic surface coating on medical devices prevents thrombosis and biofouling. Nature Biotechnology 2014, 32, 1134.
- Mishchenko, L.; Khan, M.; Aizenberg, J.; Hatton, B. D. Spatial Control of Condensation and Freezing on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Hydrophilic Patches. Advanced Functional Materials 2013, 23 (36), 4577.
- L. Mishchenko, B. D. Hatton, M. Kolle, J. Aizenberg, “Patterning Hierarchy in Direct and Inverse Opal Crystals”, Small 2012, 8(12), 1904-1911
- T. S. Wong, S. H. Kang, S. K. Y. Tang, E. J. Smythe, B. D. Hatton, A. Grinthal, J. Aizenberg, “Bioinspired self-repairing slippery surfaces with pressure-stable omniphobicity”, Nature 2011, 477, 443-447.
- Hatton, B. D.; Aizenberg, J. Writing on Superhydrophobic Nanopost Arrays: Topographic Design for Bottom-up Assembly. Nano Letters 2012, 12 (9), 4551.
- L. Mishchenko, B. D. Hatton, V. Bahadur, J. A. Taylor, T. Krupenkin, J. Aizenberg “Design of ice-free surfaces based on repulsion of impacting water droplets”, ACS Nano 2010, 4 (12), 7699-7707.
- B. D. Hatton, L. Mishchenko, S. Davis, K. Sandhage, J. Aizenberg, “Assembly of large-area, highly ordered, crack-free inverse opal films”, Proc. National Acad. Sciences 2010, 107 (23), 10354-9
- B. D. Hatton, V. Kitaev, D. Perovic, G. A Ozin, J. Aizenberg, “Low-temperature synthesis of nanoscale silica multilayers – atomic layer deposition in a test tube”, J. Materials Chemistry 2010, 20, 6009-13
- B. D. Hatton, K. Landskron, W. J. Hunks, M. R. Bennett, D. Shukaris, D. D. Perovic, G. A. Ozin, “Materials chemistry for low-k materials”, Materials Today 2006, 9 (3), 22-31.
- B. D. Hatton, K. Landskron, W. Whitnal, D.D. Perovic, G.A. Ozin, “Spin-Coated Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica (PMO) Thin Films – Towards a New Generation of Low k Materials”, Advanced Functional Materials 2005, 15(5) 715-722.
- B. D. Hatton, K. Landskron, W. Whitnal, D. D. Perovic, G. A. Ozin, “Past, Present and Future of Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica – The PMOs”, Accounts of Chemical Research 2005, 38, 305-312.
- K. Landskron, B. D. Hatton, D. D. Perovic, G. A. Ozin, “Periodic Mesoporous Organosilicas Containing Interconnected [Si(CH2)]3 Rings”, Science 2003, 302(5643), 266-269.
- Energy-efficient, dynamic building facades inspired by marine organisms (utoronto.ca)
- Low-energy fluidic cells could shade and cool buildings dynamically (newatlas.com)
- Cooking oil coating prevents bacteria from growing on food processing equipment
- The fight against tooth decay gets help with a new smart material from U of T researchers
- The Varsity: U of T researchers receive $200,000 to tackle global health issues
- Three big ideas from the opening of U of T’s new advanced materials lab
- Bio-inspired design may lead to more energy-efficient windows
- Infection-reducing materials for medical environments receives prestigious internal funding
- Bio-inspired materials researcher returns to U of T
Research Video:
MSE401: Materials Information in Design
MSE440: Emerging applications
MSE397: Materials, manufacturing and design II