Posts By: Sherry Esfahani
Andrew N. Forde (MSE 1T1) receives 2012 Harry Jerome Young Entrepreneur Award
Dr. Scott Ramsay and PhD candidate Leo Monaco voted Instructor and Teaching Assistant of the Year
Alumna Betty Lin (MSE 0T3, MASc 0T5) discusses the use of paste backfill with Mining Magazine
Professors McLean, Erb, and Hibbard receive NSERC Strategic Project Grants for collaborative research with industry in the manufacturing and energy sector
Materials Science & Engineering Leaders of Tomorrow Working Group host the 1st Technology Feasibility Competition
PhD candidate Michael Helander blogs with the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation about next-generation OLEDs and their potential impact on green energy and the environment
Happy retirement, Professor Tom North!
PhD candidate Michael G. Helander discusses his world's most efficient flexible OLED developed at U of T and its potential impact on the next generation of smartphones
Sustainable materials processing research gets most hits in the Elsevier journal: Energy
MASc candidate Han Gao wins first place for his research poster at the 2011 Electrochemical Society (Canadian Section) Fall Symposium
Showing 391 - 400 of 445 results