Posts By: Sherry Esfahani
Two members of Professor Emeritus Alex McLean’s Ferrous Metallurgy Research Group named competition finalists at AISTech and CMSC 2015
Professors Glenn Hibbard and Craig Steeves are creating lighter, stronger planes
Select images of our newest alumni with faculty and staff
A special message from Professor Jun Nogami, Chair, to all graduating students
Professor Hani Naguib's smart materials group is building artificial muscles, electronic skins and an array of other cool products
Samantha Stuart receives Engineering Ambassador Scholarship from the Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation
MSE faculty to oversee graduate program
Safety specialist Joelle Javier (MSE 1T0) uses her engineering knowledge to make sure amusement park riders don’t get hurt
Dr. Scott Ramsay receives the 2015 Early Career Teaching Award
Vinson Truong recognized for dedication to fellow students’ experience
Showing 271 - 280 of 445 results