Posts Categorized: News
Professor Steven Thorpe's Nanomaterials in Alternate Energy Systems course teaches cross-disciplinary sustainable design
One-atom thick chlorine reduces OLED device complexity while enabling record efficiencies
Chirag Variawa to serve as first graduate student governor from U of T Engineering
Professor Torstein Utigard receives federal government grant to further sustainable materials processing research with industry
Professor Doug Perovic to teach first-of-its-kind forensic engineering course in Canada
Dr. Shawn Xiaohua Qu (MMS PhD 9T5), CEO of Canadian Solar gears up to open 500 employee plant in Guelph, Ontario
Professor Zheng-Hong Lu named Canada Research Chair in Organic Optoelectronics
Professor Zhirui Wang aids CBC News in examining fake TTC tokens
Semiconductor nanowire potential unlocked at room temperatures
Assistant Professor Mansoor Barati receives a 2010 Ontario Early Research Award to support developing research
Showing 321 - 330 of 332 results