Posts Tagged: research
Alumnus Dr. Walter Curlook (MMS 5T0, MASc 5T1, PhD 5T3) supports materials research facilities to train future engineers in addressing global resource demands
PhD candidate Kitty Kumar's research comes out on top among fierce competition at high-impact photovoltaic specialists conference in Austin, Texas
PhD candidate Michael Helander blogs with the Ontario Ministry of Economic Development & Innovation about next-generation OLEDs and their potential impact on green energy and the environment
PhD candidate Michael G. Helander discusses his world's most efficient flexible OLED developed at U of T and its potential impact on the next generation of smartphones
Sustainable materials processing research gets most hits in the Elsevier journal: Energy
MASc candidate Han Gao wins first place for his research poster at the 2011 Electrochemical Society (Canadian Section) Fall Symposium
Advanced materials researchers demonstrate how energy levels align in organic-based technologies
World's most efficient green OLED on plastic has been created at U of T
Video: undergraduate student David Kim (MSE 1T2) shares his summer research experience involving nanotechnology from Ontario's great outdoors
Gerard Heffernan (MMS 4T3) establishes fellowship to help kick-start new entrepreneurs
Showing 21 - 30 of 40 results