Posts Tagged: alumni
Isabelle Dutil (MSE 1T2) was awarded the Forté Fellowship
Select images of our newest alumni with faculty and staff
Safety specialist Joelle Javier (MSE 1T0) uses her engineering knowledge to make sure amusement park riders don’t get hurt
Alumnus Lyle Gordon's discovery could lead to better understanding of tooth decay process, early detection
MSE alumni share professional insights, inspiring next generation of U of T materials engineers
U of T MSE celebrates the life of a distinguished alumnus and industry leader
Betty Lin and Mary Ruggiero receive 2014 U of T Arbor Awards
U of T MSE remembers alumnus' lifelong dedication to the profession and his Alma Mater
Dr. Hans Schade receives the 2014 Benjamin F. Fairless Award from the Association for Iron & Steel Technology (AIST)
Alumna Diana Facchini is one of nine U of T women engineers featured during National Engineering Month in March
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