Hani E. Naguib | BSc, MEng, PhD (Toronto), CEng, PEng, FASME, FCSME, FIOM3, FSPE, FSPIE
Professor and Chair
Joint-appointed with the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering
Office: MC420
T: 416.978.7054
E: hani.naguib@utoronto.ca
Research Group: Toronto Smart Materials and Structures (TSMART)
Research Areas
Smart materials:
Multifunctional composites, meta materials, bio-based materials
Advanced manufacturing:
Micro and nano fabrication, self assembly, additive manufacturing
Smart skins:
Sensors and actuators, soft robotics, e-textiles and wearables
Energy management materials:
Triboelectrics, supercapacitors, and flexible batteries
Research Clusters
Prof. Hani Naguib is a Professor at the University of Toronto, and director of the Toronto Institute for Advanced Manufacturing. His major expertise is in the area of manufacturing of programmable materials including stimuli responsive materials, meta materials, and nanostructured materials. His research group focus on the development of new synthesis, micro and nanofabrication, and additive manufacturing techniques for developing these material systems. Naguib is the recipient of many honours and awards such as the Canada Research Chair, the Premier’s Early Research Award of Ontario, and the faculty Early Teaching Award. He is a Professional Engineer in Canada, a Chartered Engineer in U.K.
Naguib is a Fellow of the Institute of Materials Minerals and Mining IOM3, Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME, Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics SPIE, Fellow of the Society of Plastics Engineers SPE, and Fellow of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers CSME. He is the associate editor of Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and Structures and associate editor for the journal of Smart Materials and Structures, and he is on the editorial board of several other journals. Naguib has been serving on the technical divisions’ board of directors for the SPE, ASME and CSME, ASM and has been organizing and chairing various conferences, symposia and seminars in national and international conferences in the field.The main goal of his research program is to develop sustainable and transformational materials and manufacturing for the energy, environment and health care sectors.
In addition to his research, Naguib is active in teaching topics in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, he has developed both undergraduate and graduate curricula covering series of courses and labs including: Materials Science, Mechanics of Materials, Smart Materials and Structures, Macromolecular Materials, Composite Materials Soft Materials, and Advanced Manufacturing. He has also served as the associate chair undergraduate studies and associate chair research for the department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto.
Professional Memberships
- Professional Engineer in Ontario, Canada (P. Eng)
- Chartered Engineer in the Engineering Council U.K. (C.Eng)
- Editor in Chief Journal of Polymers from Renewables Resources
- Associate Editor Journal of Smart Materials and Structures
- Editorial board of Journal of Cellular Plastics
- Editorial board of Cellular Polymers Journal
Editorial board of SPE Polymers Journal
- Fellow, Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME)
- Fellow, Society of Plastics Engineering (SPE)
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Fellow, Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining U.K. (IOM3)
- Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics SPIE
- Member, Polymer Processing Society
Member Materials Research Society
Link to full list of publications
Select Publications:
Tafreshi O.A., Saadatnia Z., Ghaffari-Mosanenzadeh S., Chen T., Kiddel S., Park C.B., and Naguib H.E. (2022), Flexible and shape-configurable PI composite aerogel films with tunable dielectric properties, Composites Communications, 34, 101274
Cerny A.R., Cheng Y.H., Behzadi K., Baghelani M., Schultz R., Runka J., and Naguib H.E. (2022), Development of Flexible Moisture Sensors Based on the Corrosion and Degradation of Conductive Substrates, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 4, 4340-4356
Pearson A., Duncan M., Hammami A., and Naguib H.E. (2022), Interfacial adhesion and thermal stability of high-density polyethylene glass fiber composites, Composites Science and Technology, 227,109570
Shi H.T.H., Hong S.H., and Naguib H.E. (2022), Direct‐Writing of Multi‐Functional Photo‐Reduced Graphene Oxide Fabric (rGOf) at the Liquid‐Air Interface with Tunable Porosity, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2200148
Mohseni Taromsari S., Shi H.H., Saadatnia Z., Park C.B., and Naguib H.E. (2022), Design and development of ultra-sensitive, dynamically stable, multi-modal GnP@MXene nanohybrid electrospun strain sensors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 442, 136138
Eskandarian L., Toossi A., Nassif F., Golmohammadi Rostami S., Ni S., Mahnam A., Alizadeh Meghrazi M., Takarada W., Kikutani T., and Naguib H.E. (2022), 3D‐Knit Dry Electrodes using Conductive Elastomeric Fibers for Long‐Term Continuous Electrophysiological Monitoring, Advanced Materials Technologies, 7, 2101572
Tafreshi O.A., Ghaffari-Mosanenzadeh S., Karamikamkar S., Saadatnia Z., Kiddell S., Park C.B., and Naguib H.E. (2022), Novel, flexible, and transparent thin film polyimide aerogels with enhanced thermal insulation and high service temperature, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10(13), 5088–5108
Selected Patents
Dontula, J. Greener, C. Fleischer, C.B. Park, P.C. Lee, J. Wang, and H.E. Naguib, “A Manufacturing Process for Open Celled Microcellular Foam”, U.S. patent 6598365 B2, 2005.
- MSE Professor Hani Naguib elected to the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists
- Soft Robot Programmed to Move like an Inchworm
Professor Hani Naguib demonstrates a prototype of his smart textile sensing glove based on electro-active polymers | Photo: Rob Waymen
MSE443: Composite Materials Engineering
- Fellow of the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE) 2016
- Fellow, Society of Plastics Engineers (FSPE), 2015
- Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (FASME), 2014
- Canada Research Chair, Tier II, Smart & Functional Materials, 2011
- Fellow, Institute of Materials, Minerals, and Mining (IOM3) UK, 2009
- Early Career Teaching Award, University of Toronto, 2008
- Premier of Ontario Early Research Award, ERA, 2007
- Fellow of the Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers (FCSME), 2007
- Canada Research Chair, Tier II, Smart & Functional Polymers, 2006
- G. H. Duggan Medal, Canadian Society of Mechanical Engineers, 200