Thomas W. Coyle | BSc, BA (Alfred), ScD (MIT)
Associate Professor & Associate Director, Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies
Vice-Dean, Undergraduate Studies, Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering
T: 416.978.5647
E: tom.coyle@utoronto.ca
Research Areas
- Processing and properties of advanced ceramics and ceramic matrix composites
- Powder processing and forming techniques
- Designed multiphase microstructures
- Characterization of microstructure-property relationships for toughening mechanisms and fracture behaviour
- Characterization of hard coatings, including diamond-ceramic.
Research Clusters
MSE332: Heat and Mass Transfer for Materials Processing
- NSERC Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science & Engineering (2009), S. Chandra, T. W. Coyle, J. Mostaghimi, V. Pershin, Centre for Advanced Coating Technologies (CACT), University of Toronto