University of Toronto Excellence Awards (UTEA)

Program Guidelines 2015

MSE deadline: Thursday, March 12, 2015


To provide opportunities for research experience at the undergraduate level in the natural sciences and engineering (NSE) or social sciences and humanities (SSH); to augment the formal research courses offered by the University of Toronto; to give undergraduate students opportunities to experience different approaches to research in various fields; to help students learn and appreciate the investigative methodology of areas of particular interest; and, to provide students with an experience that will allow them to make informed decisions about pursuing careers in research.

Award Value

UTEA-NSE  $6,000 ($4,875  provided by the University to be matched by a minimum of $1,125 by the student’s supervisor). Any supplement above this level may be set at the supervisor’s discretion.

Award Duration

14 full weeks in the summer term, between May 1 and September 30, 2015.

Eligibility of Students for a UTEA

  • Canadian citizen, permanent resident of Canada, or foreign student with valid student visa for the full summer work term.
  • Registered (at the time of application) as a full-time student in a bachelor’s degree program at the University of Toronto
  • Must have obtained a minimum cumulative average of “B+” (77%+) or higher. For students in upper years, this average can be applied to the best two years of study.
  • Registered full-time throughout his/her program, except for the final session, during which he/she was only required to register part-time in order to complete degree.

To hold an award, students must:

  • have been registered full-time in the term immediately before holding the award unless only part-time study was required to complete degree requirements;
  • be engaged on a full-time basis in research and development activities in the NSE under the direction of an eligible supervisor during the award tenure.

Please also note the following:

  • A student may be nominated in only one department under one supervisor.
  • A student may not concurrently hold a UTEA and an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA).
  • Preference will normally be given to second and third year students.
  • A student may hold only one UTEA per fiscal year (i.e., April 1 to March 31).
  • A student may hold a maximum of 3 UTEAs throughout his/her university career, although priority will be given to applicants who will be first-time holders, if selected.
  • Graduating students may hold an award in the term immediately following the completion of their undergraduate program requirements, as long as they have yet not started a program of graduate studies.

How to Apply 

  1. Find a professor who is willing to supervise and sponsor you.
  2. Complete UTEA Application Part 1 and ask potential supervisor to complete UTEA Application Part 2.
  3. Submit Parts 1 and 2, along with a current ROSI print-out of complete transcript to Maria Fryman, Undergraduate & Graduate Counsellor in WB 140 by MSE deadline, Thursday, March 12, 2015.


Ms. Maria Fryman, Undergraduate & Graduate Counsellor
T: 416.978.1374 | E: | Office: WB 140