The Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering’s Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowships are awarded to undergraduate students in first, second or third year for work completed on research projects under the supervision of faculty members and/or graduate students during the summer of 2015. In assessing applications, the Department Chair or designate will consider academic standing, financial need, and the duties and responsibilities of the applicant in the research project.
The Department of Materials Science & Engineering has one fellowship with a value of $5,000 to offer.
This award is open to Canadian citizens, permanent residents or visa students. In the case of visa students, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have clearance, if necessary, from immigration authorities. Track One students should apply to the department they are transferring into for second year.
How to Apply
Please complete the APSC Summer Research Fellowship application, print and submit it in hard copy to Ms Jody Prentice, Student Services Associate, in the MSE main office (WB 140) by Monday, April 6, 2015 at 5:00pm.
Ms. Jody Prentice, Student Services Associate
T: 416.978.3012 | E: jody.prentice@utoronto.ca | Office: WB 140