Centralized Process for Student Initiative Funding
The Centralized Process for Student Initiative Funding (CPSIF) allows student groups to apply to various funding sources from within the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering in a single application. Departments and affiliates of this program will all receive the same application and budget, and will use this information to review student group funding requests. For further details, please visit uofteng.ca/CPSIF
Resources & Contacts
Please feel free to contact the following individuals should you need help with your funding proposal or have questions regarding the process.
For general questions about the process and support with the application form, please reach out FASE Associate Director, Teaching, Learning & Student Experience at student.groups@engineering.utoronto.ca
For inquiries that Department of Materials Science & Engineering, specific, please reach out to External Relations & Communications Officer at mse.external@utoronto.ca
For inquiries around the budget document or EngSoc eligibility for CPSIF, please reach out to Engineering Society Vice-President, Finance at vpfinance@skule.ca