MSE News

Photo courtesy of Anatole von Lilienfeld

Prof. Lilienfeld one of two U of T professors named Canada CIFAR AI Chair

Prof. Steven Thrope at the Long Service Awards Reception

Prof. Steven Thorpe recognized with the President’s Long Service Award

Left: Daniel , right: Yucy

Three MSE student researchers receive awards at the Microscopy & Microanalysis Conference 2022

Azimi and Zhang conducted their supercritical fluid extraction experiments in a 100-millilitre high-pressure reactor. (Photo: Safa Jinje)

Prof. Azimi’s lab develops new method for recycling lithium-ion batteries

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Prof. Jason Hattrick Simpers featured on UofT Engineering News: New ‘Sputtertron’ could help develop advanced materials for greener economy

James Sawyer

Q&A with alumnus, James Sawyer, co-founder of Borealis Clean Energy


MSE Prof. Ben Hatton featured in Fast Company

Doug Perovic

MSE Prof. Doug Perovic featured in Engineering Dimensions

Left: Fish such as tilapia can disperse and collect pigment granules in their skin to change their colour and shading. Right: An optofluidic cell created by U of T Engineering researchers achieves the same effect by mixing two immiscible fluids, one of which contains a dye. (Image credits: left, Richard Wheeler (licensed under Creative Commons); right, Raphael Kay.)

Dynamic building facades inspired by marine organisms could reduce heating, cooling and lighting costs

This will 
be an opportunity for our Japanese visitors to connect with Materials research from across Canada. At the same 
time, it will attract a broader audience for the talks from Tokyo

Annual UT2-Mac joint graduate student workshop held on UofT Campus

CMSC participants one of the keynote talks - photo courtesy of Dian (Jack) Yu)

MSE hosts researchers from around the world during the Canadian Materials Science Conference 2022

CMSC 2022

MSE hosts award-winning lecturers this week during Canadian Materials Science Conference 2022

Prof. Glenn Hibbard at MSE Convocation Reception 2022 (Photo courtesy of Lauren Wotherspoon)

Congratulations to the MSE Class of 2022!

Raunaq Bagchi recieving 1st Prize Poster Award at thge 241st ECN Meeting, Vancouver

MSE graduate student wins top research poster prize

June Bike 2

MSE Team Bikes for Brain Health