Troost ILEAD: Club Leaders Fireside Chat

Club Leaders Fireside Chat – Tuesday October 4th | Register HERE: Join us for our first Fireside Chat for Club Leaders event of the year! We will be talking about membership recruitment and engaging new members. Join the ILead team, fellow Skule™️ Club Leaders, and Eng Soc's VP Student Life, Noah Guerin to talk about best practices and […]

Lectures at the Leading Edge (ChemEng)

Engineering Human Organoids, Organs, and Societies, with Kelly Stevens, from the University of Washington. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, October 5 from 12-1PM (Eastern Time) on Zoom and will be recorded. ChemE community, the talk link and passcode will be sent through email closer to the date. External members are required to register at to receive the Zoom details. External registration closes at 9am on Monday, October 3. Should […]

NSBE Fall Industry Night

More information about this event can be found here  

MSE GRADUATE SEMINAR ​​​​​​: Meet Prof. Anatole von Lilienfeld

Ursula Franklin MSE GRADUATE SEMINAR ​​​​​​​ -- Every week on Thu, 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)-- Meet our newest faculty member in the second Impact Speaker Series event of 2022-2023 academic year. Professor Anatole von Lilienfeld will be giving a brief overview of his research background.    Date/Time: Oct 13, 2022 | 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) | Zoom […]

LLE ChemEng Presents: Understanding Molecular Crystals from First Principles

Understanding Molecular Crystals from First Principles with Leeor Kronik from the Weizmann Institute of Science.The lecture will take place on Wednesday, October 19 from 12-1PM (Eastern Time) on Zoom and will be recorded.ChemE community, the talk link and passcode will be sent through email.External members are required to register at to receive the Zoom details. External registration closes at 9am on Monday, October 17.Should you have any questions, please email Jennifer […]

ILEAD Presents: Conversations Skills For Meeting New People

Conversations Skills For Meeting New People – Tuesday, October 27th | Register HERE: It’s easy to start a conversation, but what do you say after getting past “hello, how are you”? Join this interactive workshop to meet new people, eat pizza, and learn tips and techniques that you can use right away to start creating connections […]

CARTE Presents: Active Learning for Optimizing RNA Based Vaccines and Therapeutics 

Active Learning for Optimizing RNA Based Vaccines and Therapeutics CARTE Industry Speaker Seminar Series welcome Michael Bailey, Computational Scientist at Sanofi Data and AI Center of Excellence in Toronto, for the first in-person seminar of 2022-23 academic year. Topic: Active Learning for Optimizing RNA Based Vaccines and Therapeutics Date and Time: Friday October 28, 2022 (12:00 – 1:00 PM EST) Registration: To […]

Meet the new MSE Graduate Student Association (MSEGSA) executive team

MSEGSA members from left to right: Rita Lyu, Aashay Wanjari, Terry Li, Hongchen Wang and Peter Wei (Photo: Sherry Esfahani) The MSE Graduate Student Association (MSEGSA) new executive team members of the 2022-2023 academic year were recently elected.  After two years of pandemic, MSEGSA is excited to host in-person events and boost levels of student […]

ASM Ontario Networking and Speaker Night

THIS WEDNESDAY: Networking Opportunity for MSE Students at a Discounted Student Price! Come learn about improving sustainability in the high temperature processing of abrasives and refractories with Washington Mills' Furnace Processing Manager, Grant Clare (B. Eng. Society in Materials Engineering 2010, McMaster University). He will be drawing upon examples from his own work in managing plant processes. […]

TroostILlead: Navigating Conflict & Challenge Through Effective Communication 

Navigating Conflict & Challenge Through Effective Communication  Tuesday January 10th 6 – 7:30pm (in-person)  Monday February 6th 10am – 11:30am (online)  Register:    Experiencing conflict and disagreement is common when working with others. But there are specific communication techniques that can allow you to move through challenge in order to find common ground. In […]