Posts Categorized: News
This year, 30.6 per cent of Engineering frosh are female
Assistant Professor Gisele Azimi awarded Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) funding for strategic materials research
Professor Zheng-Hong Lu searches for affordable, efficient, energy-friendly lighting in the form of organic LEDs
MSE alumni share professional insights, inspiring next generation of U of T materials engineers
Professor Steven Thorpe's fourth-year design students will be among many to benefit from U of T Engineering's new collaborative learning space
Professor Ben Hatton and colleagues create new materials coating that prevents blood clots
U of T MSE celebrates the life of a distinguished alumnus and industry leader
aerelight™ – the world’s first organic LED lamp based on breakthrough research from U of T Materials Science & Engineering
MSE students tackle summer projects to develop innovative educational kits that translate materials science and engineering to their peers
Professor Zhirui Wang provides expert commentary on the safety of wired glass to the Globe and Mail
Showing 241 - 250 of 332 results