Support for the nanOntario youth outreach program:
“The nanOntario program provided hands-on interactive introduction to both developments in nanotechnology and the nature of research at the University of Toronto. Access and exposure to facilities, including the scanning electron microscope, that were beyond the scope of a typical high school classroom was a great experience for the students. The instructors were well prepared and were excellent representatives of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering. They proved, over the course of the workshop—to be inspiring role models.”
— Ms. Gillian Evans, Teacher, Ontario Science Centre School
“Through authentic investigations, students construct an understanding of how science works, and develop critical thinking skills that will serve them well in their future endeavors. Important connections exist between projects, a classroom program that is both hands-on and ‘minds-on’ and the Ontario curriculum in science and technology.”
— Ms. Monica Segall, Teacher, Don Mills CI
Program Contact
Ms. Susset M Perez, External Relations Officer
Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, University of Toronto