PhD candidate Raunaq Bagchi’s poster comes out on top among nearly 100 student posters at the 241st Electrochemical Society Meeting, Vancouver

Congratulations to Materials Science & Engineering (MSE) PhD candidate Raunaq Bagchi for receiving the 1st Prize Poster Award at the 241st annual Electrochemical Society (ECS) Meeting, held in Vancouver on May 29- June 2, 2022. The annual ECS Meeting is the premier scientific and technical conference focused on electrochemistry and solid state science and technology. Bagchi’s poster was recognized as top place in the Z01 General Student Poster Sessions.
Energy storage in a composite made of different materials requires a deeper understanding of the surface chemical groups and their effects on the energy stored. Co-supervised by Professor Keryn Lian (Professor, MSE) and Prof. Jane Howe (Associate Professor, MSE/CHE), Bagchi’s work, titled “Effect of Surface Chemistry and Morphology on Polyluminol-Carbon Redox Active Composites”, investigates the effects of different surface chemistry, porosity and graphitization on CNT and porous activated carbon surfaces towards the redox activity of the CpLum-carbon composite.
“While we are working on the answers to electrochemical energy storage systems, material surface and structural characterizations as well as theoretical simulations all have contributed to strong evidence and clues to the solution”, says Prof. Lian, “This also reflects the nature of applied materials research and collaborations among researchers and students in the MSE department.”
“This work is an exploration of the need to tune the surfaces of energy storing composites to contribute to a sustainable future”, says Bagchi, “It’s an honour for my coauthors and I to receive recognition from ECS for this pursuit.”