Liyang Dai-Hattrick | BSc (Beijing), MASc (Maryland), PhD (Maryland)
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
E: liyang.dai.hattrick@utoronto.ca
Liyang Dai-Hattrick is an Assistant Professor, teaching stream appointed in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at UofT. Before joining UofT, she worked as an instructor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Maryland for the past 4 years, where she taught and revised the curriculum for their Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering (ENMA 300) course.
In 2020 she was awarded an innovation teaching grant to adapt ENMA300 to be better suited for the online teaching environment. From 2011-2017 she worked as an instructor at University of South Carolina (USC) in the College of Engineering and Computing. During her time at USC, she taught for the Mechanical and Civil Engineering departments. Prior to joining USC, she was an associate professor at Cecil College, where she designed and taught an engineering curriculum meant to cover a series of common engineering majors including electrical, mechanical, civil, and aerospace. She also served as the co-director of “Engineering Technology Software Skills Certifications for the BRAC Workforce” program, which created a flexible online engineering program to aid the transition to civilian employment for active duty military personnel.
MSE202: Thermodynamics I
MSE302: Thermodynamics II
MSE222: Mechanics of Solid Materials