SWE Speaks: Navigating the Evolving, Interdisciplinary Field of BioEngineering

When: Wed, April 14, 2021 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT How are biomedical engineering and biotechnology evolving? What are the keys to being able to build a successful career in a changing industry? Which techniques contribute to research and innovation in academia and industry? What other backgrounds and skills are shaping the future of […]

Graduate Seminar: Indicating local structure in many-body systems

Date: Apr 15, 2021 Presenter: John Camkiran (PhD candidate, 1st Seminar) Supervisors: Prof. G. Hibbard, Prof. F. Parsch ABSTRACT: A longstanding hypothesis is that local dynamics in many-body systems can be explained by local structure—that is, the relationship between a particle and its neighbourhood. Yet, despite the vast array of physical systems that take the form of many interacting […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: Development of a Next-generation Rechargeable Aluminum-ion Battery

Date: Apr 22, 2021 Presenter: Kok Long Ng (PhD candidate, 2nd Seminar) Supervisor: Prof. G. Azimi ABSTRACT: The ever-increasing demands for clean and sustainable energy storage solutions have driven researchers around the world to explore beyond lithium-based battery chemistries that utilize earth-abundant materials. To this end, aluminum (Al)-ion battery presents itself as a promising alternative as it can […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: The Application of Machine Learning to Multi-Sensor Based Ore Sorting

Title: The Application of Machine Learning to Multi-Sensor Based Ore Sorting Presenter: Matthew Goldbaum (MASc candidate) Supervisor: Prof. Erin Bobicki ABSTRACT: The mineral processing industry is currently facing major challenges such as high energy consumption in comminution and the exponential growth of produced tailings (waste) caused by decreasing ore grades and increasing global demand for metals. One technique to […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: Novel Cu-P-based Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

Title: Novel Cu-P-based Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Presenter: Arthur Sloan (MASc candidate) Supervisor: Prof. Steven J. Thorpe ABSTRACT: With the decreasing cost of renewable energy (solar, wind), reducing the capital cost of electrolysers is key to future hydrogen generation.  Ongoing improvements in the performance of anion exchange membrane (AEM) water electrolysers have led to renewed interest in […]

ASM World Series Talks: Nuclear Fusion, Wall Loading and Materials: on the Difficult Life of a Material Close to a Thermonuclear Plasma

ASM World Series Talks with Dr. Greg De Temmerman When: on May 5th at 1 pm EDT Where: online – register at www.asmontario.org ASM Ontario Chapter is excited to bring you another interesting talk, and this time from France! Title: Nuclear Fusion, Wall Loading and Materials: on the Difficult Life of a Material Close to a Thermonuclear […]

Just The Facts Panel: Canada’s Green Energy Infrastructure Programs

he Toronto Science Policy Network is hosting a #JustTheFacts public panel focusing on Canada’s Green Energy Infrastructure Programs. In this panel we explore how funding programs within the Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) work, the involvement of stakeholder communities, and the relationship between industry and academic partners. How do projects get selected and what impact do […]

Skule Lunch & Learn presents De-Siloing the Materials Landscape: An Update on the Franklin21 Centenary Celebration

Join us this May as Professor Glenn Hibbard discusses the newest innovations in materials research. Because of the diverse landscape of their applications, materials research is typically conducted within isolated silos of specialization.  While this has been a historical necessity, we are now at a point where it makes sense to consider the complexity of interactions across […]

Disruptors & Dilemmas presents Canada’s Digital Strategy: Growing the Economy Bit by Bit

Join us on Wednesday, April 21st, for a special edition of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering's Disruptors & Dilemmas speaker series, featuring alumni and faculty from U of T Engineering, the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, and the Rotman School of Management. Canada's Digital Strategy: Growing the Economy Bit by Bit As the economy begins to […]

InVEST Symposium May 2021

The InVEST (International Virtual Engineering Student Teams) program is an initiative at the University of Toronto (U of T) in the Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and Practice (ISTEP) in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. InVEST creates connections between faculty and students at U of T and numerous partner institutions around the globe based on mutual interest in research […]

Our Health on Thin Ice: Panel Discussions on Climate Change & Health

On behalf of U of T Talks and Raw Talk Podcast in the Institute of Medical Science, we are extending our invitation for you all to join us virtually for this year’s symposium, Our Health on Thin Ice! Please join us on June 2nd, 2021 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm for an evening of discourse […]