CARTE Presents: Digital Health – AI for Telehealth and Radiologists’ AI assistance

CARTE industry seminar series welcomes Mr. Steven Truong, Founder and CEO of VinBrain, a subsidiary of Vingroup which is the largest conglomerate in Vietnam. The session is moderated by Farzad Khalvati, Endowed Chair in Medical Imaging and Artificial Intelligence, Associate Professor, The Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto. Abstract: In this talk, I will share VinBrain’s cutting-edge […]

Application of Optimization and Simulation Techniques in Resource Allocation and Dispatch Decisions at Ornge

The Centre for Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Engineering (CARTE) Industry Speakers Series in collaboration with the Centre for Healthcare Engineering (CHE) welcomes Mahvareh Ahghari, Research Coordinator & Quality Analyst at Ornge, formerly Ontario Air Ambulance Corporation. The seminar is moderated by Dionne Aleman, Associate Professor of Industrial Engineering and Director of morLab at UofT. Abstract: As the largest transport […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: Atomic Structure of Thin films in the Cesium-Lead-Bromine System

Title: Atomic Structure of Thin films in the Cesium-Lead-Bromine System Presenter: Shivani Varshney (PhD candidate, 2nd seminar) Supervisor: Prof.  J. Nogami   Abstract: Cesium lead bromide (CsPbBr3) perovskite nanocrystals have a promising future in the field of optoelectronics. Their potential applications are primarily in improving the efficiency of solar cells and light emitting diodes (LEDs). The growing interest in perovskites […]

LLE: Nano-scale Characterizations of Ancient Mars Minerals and Earth Copper: Stories of Corrosion and Resilience (Desmond Moser, Western)

External members are required to register to receive the link and passcode. Registration closes at 9am on March 7: Desmond Moser, Western Host: Prof. Jane Howe The characterization of long-lived minerals, including natural metal deposits of copper, and their corrosion behaviours is an area of shared interest among geo- and materials scientists. This is particularly true […]

CARTE Industry Speaker Seminar Series: Oil and Water or Vinaigrette? The Forklift Industry and Data Science

CARTE Industry Speaker Seminar Series: Oil and Water or Vinaigrette? The Forklift Industry and Data Science Speaker:Jeff Schmidt, Data Scientist – Advanced Research and Development Services@The Raymond CorporationModerator:Professor Ningyuan Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Toronto Mississauga, cross-appointed at the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Date: March 10, 2022Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pmRegister […]

Ursula Franklin MSE GRADUATE SEMINAR ​​​​​​: Computational Design of New Materials for use in Solid State Batteries

Title: Computational Design of New Materials for use in Solid State Batteries Presenter: Jacob Rempel (MASc candidate) Supervisor: Prof.  C. V. Singh   Abstract: Solid state electrolyte batteries provide a noticeable advantage over conventional liquid batteries due to their improved safety. In particular, lithium ion solid state batteries have shown exceptional strides in recent years as their cycling performance […]

Sustainable Plastics vs Sustainable Systems | Seminar by Prof. Michael Shaver

Seminar Information:  Title: Sustainable Plastics vs Sustainable Systems Presented by: Prof. Michael Shaver When: Friday, March 11th, at 12pm EST on Zoom   Description: This talk will explore the complex nature of our plastic environment, the interdependency of plastics on our goals for lowering our carbon footprint and increasing our expected lifespan, while also showcasing our […]

MSE Annual Buckyball 2022

Eglinton Grand

    Hello hello MSEs! We’ve got an incoming Buckyball Announcement! MSE Club’s annual dinner dance is set for March 18th from 6:00PM-1:00AM at Eglinton Grand, near Eglinton Station. With a theme of Mask-Querade, tickets include a 3-course meal, an open bar (with both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks), and a great time! Ticket sales have […]


MSE Graduate Seminar: Electrical Transport in Mixed-dimensional Semiconductor van der Waals Heterostructures

 Ursula Franklin MSE GRADUATE SEMINAR ​​​​​​​ -- Every week on Thu, 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) -- Title: Electrical Transport in Mixed-dimensional Semiconductor van der Waals Heterostructures Presenter: Sarry Al-Turk (PhD candidate, 2nd seminar) Supervisor: Prof.  H. Ruda   Abstract: The isolation of graphene in 2004 inspired efforts to identify and isolate other 2D materials. Over the past decade, […]

CARTE Industry Speaker Seminar Series: Lumos ML: Unilever’s AI-driven Decision Support Systems

CARTE Industry Speaker Seminar Series:Lumos ML: Unilever’s AI-driven Decision Support Systems Speakers:Gary Bogdani, Head, Collective Intelligence@UnileverJing Guo, Forecasting Data Science Product Manager@UnileverDr. John Armitage @Larus TechnologiesModerator:Professor Chi-Guhn Lee, Professor of Industrial Engineering, University of Toronto. Date: March 25, 2022Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pmRegister through this link.Abstract: In this talk, we will be sharing about Unilever’s AI-driven decision support systems (DSSs) for trade investment […]

MSE GRADUATE SEMINAR​​​​​​​:  Treatment of Ultramafic Nickel Tailings

 Ursula Franklin MSE GRADUATE SEMINAR ​​​​​​​ -- Every week on Thu, 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) -- Title: Treatment of Ultramafic Nickel Tailings Presenter: Zhirong Chen (MASc candidate) Supervisor: Prof.  E. Bobicki   Abstract: Low-grade ultramafic nickel ores contain a high percentage of serpentine which, while having deleterious effects on processing, makes these ores a desirable feedstock for […]