ASM Ontario Networking and Speaker Night

THIS WEDNESDAY: Networking Opportunity for MSE Students at a Discounted Student Price! Come learn about improving sustainability in the high temperature processing of abrasives and refractories with Washington Mills' Furnace Processing Manager, Grant Clare (B. Eng. Society in Materials Engineering 2010, McMaster University). He will be drawing upon examples from his own work in managing plant processes. […]

TroostILlead: Navigating Conflict & Challenge Through Effective Communication 

Navigating Conflict & Challenge Through Effective Communication  Tuesday January 10th 6 – 7:30pm (in-person)  Monday February 6th 10am – 11:30am (online)  Register:    Experiencing conflict and disagreement is common when working with others. But there are specific communication techniques that can allow you to move through challenge in order to find common ground. In […]

MIC and ECC Present: Speed Interviews

Materials Industry Club (MIC) and Engineering Career Center (ECC) will be hosting a speed interview event.Engineers from companies such as Peel Plastics, Litens Automotive, Magna International, and CEP Forensic will be on campus to interview and network with MSE students! Sign up now via the link below to reserve your interview spot! This event is […]

TroostILead: Who You Are Matters: Career Discovery Experience 

Who You Are Matters: Career Discovery Experience  Thursday January 26th, 6pm – 8pm (in-person)  Register:  Spark meaningful conversations about what’s next in your education and career in this gamified clarification event. You will generate specific possibilities for your future and receive feedback to help you take action towards your goals. This Leadership Lab will […]

TroostILEAD: Lessons in Leadership from Positive Psychology

Lessons in Leadership from Positive Psychology   Thursday March 2nd, 1pm – 2pm (in-person)  Register:  How can we emerge from the stress-strain of Covid-times to thrive in our everyday lives? This Leadership Lab begins with a short lesson on a core concept of Positive Psychology: Resilience. With this powerful idea framing our thinking, we’ll move […]

ASM Ontario Night: Three Key Concepts of Steel with Shane Turcott

Networking Opportunity for MSE Students on March 8th! Join ASM Ontario in learning about the key concepts to understanding steel with Shane Turcott, and celebrate his latest book, "Steel Isn't Hard (To Learn)", with a belated book launch. This is a great opportunity to network with industry professionals of different backgrounds in Materials Engineering. ASM […]

The 5th UT2-MAC (the 22nd UT2) Student Workshop

Since its inception in 2001, the UT² workshop has brought together top researchers from Canada’s University of Toronto and Japan’s University of Tokyo, providing a platform for delving into cutting-edge research topics, fostering collaborations and facilitating scientific exchange. More recently, this collaboration has been opened to students and researchers from Canada’s McMaster University, leading to […]

The Summer School for Advanced Fabrication and Characterization Techniques for Nanomaterials and Nanostructures

Dates: June 25th to 27th, 2024   Times: 9:30am to 4:30pm   The Summer School for Advanced Fabrication and Characterization Techniques is a three-day event from June 25 to 27, 2024, in Toronto, Ontario, hosted by the University of Toronto and McGill University through the Open Center for the Characterization of Advanced Materials (OCCAM) and the Toronto Nanofabrication Centre (TNFC). […]

MSE Distinguished Seminar Series: Prof. Suraj Persaud

Title: Understanding Corrosion Phenomena Relevant to Nuclear Applications: A Nanoscale Approach Speaker: Professor Suraj Persaud (Queen's University, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering) When: Nov 14 (1-2PM) Where: Lassonde Mining Building (MB) Room 128 Abstract: Corrosion and materials degradation significantly impacts the entire life cycle of nuclear power systems, including current operating nuclear plants, design […]

MSE Graduate Program Info Session & Admissions Q&A

  🚀 Ready to take your career to the next level? Discover how a graduate program in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering at the University of Toronto can be the launchpad you’ve been looking for! Whether you're eager to dive deep into research with our fully-funded MASc & PhD programs or aiming to […]

Invited Talk – Materials Space-Tectonics: A New Paradigm for Designing Next-Generation Nanoporous Materials for Energy and Biomedical Applications

Speaker: Professor Shahriar Hossain (The University of Queensland, School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering, joint appointment at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology) Location: Lassonde Mining Building (MB) Room 101 Abstract: In this talk, Professor Shahriar Hossain will introduce the mission and vision behind "Materials Nanotectonics"—a pioneering conceptual framework for designing advanced functional inorganic nanospace materials. This new […]

Special Talk: Advanced Organic Electronics by Controlling Precise Charge Transfer Phenomena (Prof. Chihaya Adachi, Kyushu University, Japan)

Abstract: In the last 10 years, there have been a wide variety of studies on thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF)-OLEDs focusing on the unlimited possibilities of molecular design. Further, hyperfluorescence (HF)-OLEDs have been developed since they can realize the compatibility of high efficiency with narrow spectral width, which is ideal for practical display applications. The […]