It’s with great pleasure that we announce that professor Steven Thorpe has been awarded the President’s Long Service Award for 35 years of exemplary service to the University of Toronto. This award is presented annually to those individuals who have been an integral part of the growth and development of the institution and have reached the continuous service milestones of 25, 35 and 40 years.
Steven J. Thorpe obtained his PhD degree from the Faculty of Applied Science, University of Toronto in 1985 and was a NATO Science Fellow at MIT from 1985 to 1987. He returned to the University of Toronto as a NSERC University Research Fellow and was promoted to Professor in 1998. Professor S.J. Thorpe spent a two-year leave of absence at Stuart Energy Systems where he served as Vice President, Technology. He has served on Governing Council in many capacities, Business Board, Academic Board, University Affairs Board, Executive Committee, Academic Policies and Programs, and Chair of Planning and Budget.
Professor Thorpe has also served as secretary, education chairman, and vice chair of the Ontario chapter of ASM; executive and director of the Basic Sciences Division of CIM and the Corrosion Section of the Metallurgical Society of CIM, and academic leader of the Metals and Ceramics Program of the Ontario Center for Materials Research (OCMR).
Professor Thorpe has won numerous awards including the Impact Student Choice Award, Sustained Excellence in Teaching Award, Faculty Teaching Award, CIM Distinguished Lecturer Award, Academics in Industry Award from OCMR, the Outstanding Young Members Award from the Ontario Chapter of ASM, and the W.S. Wilson Metal and Centennial Thesis Award. Dr. Thorpe’s current research is focused on the synthesis and electrochemical behaviour of novel amorphous and nanocrystalline materials in the fields of wastewater treatment, water electrolysis, and fuel cells.