Skule Lunch & Learn presents De-Siloing the Materials Landscape: An Update on the Franklin21 Centenary Celebration

Join us this May as Professor Glenn Hibbard discusses the newest innovations in materials research. Because of the diverse landscape of their applications, materials research is typically conducted within isolated silos of specialization.  While this has been a historical necessity, we are now at a point where it makes sense to consider the complexity of interactions across […]

Disruptors & Dilemmas presents Canada’s Digital Strategy: Growing the Economy Bit by Bit

Join us on Wednesday, April 21st, for a special edition of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering's Disruptors & Dilemmas speaker series, featuring alumni and faculty from U of T Engineering, the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, and the Rotman School of Management. Canada's Digital Strategy: Growing the Economy Bit by Bit As the economy begins to […]

InVEST Symposium May 2021

The InVEST (International Virtual Engineering Student Teams) program is an initiative at the University of Toronto (U of T) in the Institute for Studies in Transdisciplinary Engineering Education and Practice (ISTEP) in the Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. InVEST creates connections between faculty and students at U of T and numerous partner institutions around the globe based on mutual interest in research […]

Our Health on Thin Ice: Panel Discussions on Climate Change & Health

On behalf of U of T Talks and Raw Talk Podcast in the Institute of Medical Science, we are extending our invitation for you all to join us virtually for this year’s symposium, Our Health on Thin Ice! Please join us on June 2nd, 2021 from 5:30 - 8:30 pm for an evening of discourse […]

Breaking Bad: The 4N6 of Engineering Failure Investigations and Why Accidents Do Not Happen

  A lecture by Prof. Doug Perovic So which belief is true: ‘accidents happen’ or ‘everything happens for a reason’? Behavioural sciences show that in the world of interpretation, human judgement is powerfully affected by how problems are initially framed. As humans, we are prone to subconsciously anchor on preconceived notions and then tend to […]

Career Talk by ILead: Leading Others

Troost Institute for Leadership Education in Engineering Presents: Leading Others Thursday, July 22, 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST Register: Sometimes, opportunities to lead at Skule or work arise unexpectedly. You have a project to run or a team to guide. What do you do? Luckily, leading others involves skills that can be learned. Get […]

UTESCA Q&A Panel July 31st

Are you curious about consulting and want to learn more? Well, you’re in luck! UTESCA is holding a Q&A panel of 3 current and former consultants working in Tech and Finance from companies such as Accenture, Vena Solutions, and IBI! Join us virtually on July 31st @ 1-2 PM EST to learn about a typical […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: Welcome & MSE orientation

Title: Welcome & MSE orientation Date: Sep 9, 2021 This orientation will give information about UofT, the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering, the MSE department, contacts and links to various student services, MSE-GSA information, safety and program structure. Also, information about the MSE1000/2000 grad seminar course, officially named the Ursula Franklin MSE graduate seminar.

Is it safe enough to return to campus? What do public health scientists say?

Registration Topic: Is it safe enough to return to campus? What do public health scientists say? Description: Please join us for an interactive panel discussion with leading health and safety experts in epidemiology, indoor air quality, bioaerosols, bioethics, population health equity, and more. Following brief presentations by the panelists, there will be an extended Q […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: Demystifying Complex Multiphase Flow Phenomena in Continuous Casting Processes using Advanced Imaging Techniques

Title: Demystifying Complex Multiphase Flow Phenomena in Continuous Casting Processes using Advanced Imaging Techniques Presenter: Amiy Srivastava (PhD candidate, 2nd seminar) Supervisor: Prof Kinnor Chattopadhyay   Abstract: Steel is one of the commonly used materials for several applications such as heavy equipment, structural, automotive, oil and gas pipeline, windmill, pressure vessels etc. Steel products are widely used in […]