MSE Graduate Seminar: Hybrid Models for Steelmaking and Casting Applications

Title: Hybrid Models for Steelmaking and Casting Applications Presenter: Ruibin Wang  (PhD candidate, 2nd seminar) Supervisor: Prof.  K. Chattopadhyay   Abstract: Steel production involves a series of processes that convert iron and steel scrap into end products for industrial application. Over the past decade, steelmaking industry has faced continuous economic and environmental challenges. As a result, for fulfilling the […]

UofT Engineering Lunch & Learn Presents: An Experimentalist’s View on Trusting AI and Its BFF (Data)

Featuring Professor Jason Hattrick-SimpersWednesday, April 13th, 202212:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ETCost: Free12:00 - Virtual event opens12:05 - Lunch & Learn presentation begins CLICK HERE TO REGISTER For questions or more information, please contact: or 416-624-1955 Professor Jason Hattrick-Simpers Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now a part of the standard physical scientist's tool kit, and it is […]

LLE with Nathalie Tufenkji | Nanoplastics in Our Environment: Small Particles with Big Challenges

Nanoplastics in Our Environment: Small Particles with Big Challenges, with Nathalie Tufenkji, from McGill University. Co-hosted with the Institute for Water Innovation (IWI), the lecture will take place on Wednesday, April 13th from 12-1PM (Eastern Time) on Zoom and will be recorded. External members are required to register at to receive the link and passcode. Please do not share this information with people outside of the Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering unless […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: Toward Printed Electrolyte-Gated Transistors for Flexible Electronics

Presenter: Guan Ying (Jane) Wang, MASc. Candidate Supervisor: Prof. Keryn Lian, Dr. Ta-Ya Chu (NRC)   Abstract: Electrolyte-gated field effect transistors (EGFETs) have gathered much attention in the last few decades due to their key role in enabling potential printed, low-cost, low-power, portable, and flexible electronics in applications such as wearable sensors, flexible solar cells, and e-textiles. […]

MSE Graduate Seminar: Structure, order, and extracopularity

Title: Structure, order, and extracopularity Presenter: John Camkiran, (PhD candidate, 2nd seminar) Supervisor: Prof. G. Hibbard   Abstract: Order is an aspect of a system’s structure that holds much insight. Despite the fact that many physical systems are well modeled as collections of interacting particles, a general approach to quantifying the absolute degree of order immediately surrounding a particle […]


AN OFFICE HOUR WEBINAR FROM THE U OF T HUB ON TEN THOUSAND COFFEES Do you replay past conversations that you have had? Are there some conversations that could have gone better? Or, do you rehearse conversations that you will have in the future? In this webinar, offered as part of the U of T Hub on […]

Diversity Dialogue: Anti-Asian Racism Across History & Healthcare

TUESDAY, APRIL 26, 20225:30 – 7:00 p.m. (ET) Online through Zoom – link to be provided upon registration.   Amy Go will share on the historical and current existence of anti-Asian racism within Canada, and its intersections with larger systems of oppression and health inequities. All members of the University of Toronto community are welcome.    […]

Distinguished Lecture Series by Prof. Nora El-Gohary – Data-Driven Analytics and AI for the Built Environment: Emerging Applications and Future Possibilities

The Department of Civil & Mineral Engineering’s Distinguished Lecture Series presents: Data-Driven Analytics and AI for the Built Environment: Emerging Applications and Future Possibilities Prof. Nora El-Gohary (CivE PhD oT8) Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign FREE TO ATTEND – REGISTER ONLINE (an email with location information will […]

Ursula Franklin MSE GRADUATE SEMINAR ​​​​​: Multiscale mechanical properties of additively manufactured titanium alloys

-- Every week on Thu, 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada), Room MB128  Date/Time: Sep 29, 2022 - 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)   Location: Lassonde Mining Building, room MB128 Presenter: Zhiying Liu (PhD candidate, 2nd seminar) Supervisor: Prof. Y Zou   Title: Multiscale mechanical properties of additively manufactured titanium alloys   Abstract: Additive manufacturing (AM) is leading a new […]

Troost ILEAD: Club Leaders Fireside Chat

Club Leaders Fireside Chat – Tuesday October 4th | Register HERE: Join us for our first Fireside Chat for Club Leaders event of the year! We will be talking about membership recruitment and engaging new members. Join the ILead team, fellow Skule™️ Club Leaders, and Eng Soc's VP Student Life, Noah Guerin to talk about best practices and […]

Lectures at the Leading Edge (ChemEng)

Engineering Human Organoids, Organs, and Societies, with Kelly Stevens, from the University of Washington. The lecture will take place on Wednesday, October 5 from 12-1PM (Eastern Time) on Zoom and will be recorded. ChemE community, the talk link and passcode will be sent through email closer to the date. External members are required to register at to receive the Zoom details. External registration closes at 9am on Monday, October 3. Should […]